Monday, December 28, 2009

Generation Y's view on Social Media

Generation Y is unlike any other generation today. They like information at their fingertips, having cutting-edge technology, and do not like to be advertised to. Being a Gen Y'er myself, I am going to discuss what I have observed about the effectiveness of social media for this generation.

Social media allows us to connect with friends, relatives, co-workers, and even famous people or large corporations. People are exposed to over 3,000 ads per DAY! One may wonder how so many advertisements to an already saturated generation can be effective. Social media is the answer! But, it must be done right. I first viewed social media advertising on Facebook. Personally, I find these ads to be ineffective because they are not flashy and are not a topic of interest for people logging into Facebook. However, giving people the option to interact with a company, star, professional, etc. is a whole other realm of niche advertising. 

I think the emergence of Twitter was the perfect outlet for this need. Twitter has allowed Generation Y to view what stars and companies are doing in real-time, all the time. When someone admires a favorite music artist they are able to see artist updates, interact and engage with them. Engagement is one of the most important aspects of marketing, as it relates to the AIDA model. The ability to comment or re-tweet their message allows Gen Y further interaction than ever before, social media ENGAGED! The same goes for a person communicating with a business. Companies can disseminate information regarding new products, services, events, community involvement, etc. so consumers can easily see what they are doing. 

Traditional media outlets do not capture Gen Y much anymore, so there is little chance we would reference back to newspapers, magazines and even some television for the latest and greatest information. The internet transmits this same information quicker and more efficiently. Radio has been replaced by iPods and radio advertisements by satellite radio. The emergence of TiVo, On Demand, and other television services provide consumers with shows or movies, uninterrupted by advertisements.

It is clear that social media is how to engage Gen Y. With the development of the iPhone and other smart devices, Gen Y can be completely hooked up to their social media sites 24/7. Personally, I have an iPhone with applications for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and You Tube. This allows me to view messages from all of these outlets, even when I am not at a computer. I find it very valuable to get information when and where I want it. I do not have the time to listen to news broadcasts or read newspapers, so getting a simple message from Twitter linking me to the web site, or  seeing a Facebook update from a company lets me know the news is there if I want it.

So what am I suggesting? It is critical for all companies, stars, professionals, etc. to be deeply involved in social media if they want to capture Generation Y's interest... and keep it. Our age group wants to interact with you, but in a way that fits our needs. Don't assume we will be reading a particular magazines or watching a particular show anymore because there are many other ways we get this information now, social media in particular. Contacting us through social media outlets in a timely manner with quick tid-bits of important information is a highly effective and interesting way to get us engaged. 

Monday, December 21, 2009

Graduating College

I never thought going into my freshman year of college at Western New England College that I would be graduating early, met some incredible friends and an amazing boyfriend, and had great experiences along the way. My 3.5 years in college truly transformed my life.

College brings people to the realization of who they are, what they want to do, and teaches them how to problem solve. It is not about all the technicalities taught in computer sciences classes, cell structures taught in biology, or definitions of every nitty gritty marketing term. It would be impossible and unreasonable to expect a student to remember everything they learned in college. However, the combination of different projects, presentations, problems to solve, and exams all teach students how to THINK.

In high school I was a good student but never strived to be the best. However, college taught me my true potential and I have been working every day to be the best I can be at what I love to do. I love to do marketing and advertising. Marketing Communications/Advertising is my major and I am truly passionate about it.

College also teaches you who your true friends are. You realize that you must surround yourself with those who will have the best influence on you. If you surround yourself with great people, you will be a great person. I have gone through waves of friends both at school and at home and have realized the few, loyal friends that I will hold onto forever. Since students are around each other virtually 24/7, they learn how to get along, how to effectively argue, and how to hold a deep conversation. All of these were not always possible in high school since you don't usually live, eat, and sleep with your friends as you do in college.

I have come out of college as the best person I believe I can possibly be at this time. I have found my true passion for marketing, I have developed great friendships, and met the man of my dreams. I had no idea I was going to find all of this at such as small college. I am ambitious, I love to learn, I am passionate about what I love to do, and I always put in 110%.

I also love to help out others. I have learned that you can get no where in life if you are truly selfish. To give is to get. I love to give to others. Whether it is advice, a couple bucks, a ride somewhere, or a shoulder to cry on, it matters. The people in your life will shape who you are and bring joy to your everyday life. So cherish each and every person in your life. I do.

I hope almost every college student gets out of college what I have. Learn what you love to do, develop and keep those meaningful relationships, and work hard every day!

Tips for Finding a Job Today

It is quite evident that today's economic environment is not favorable for anyone, especially for newly graduating college students. However, there is a bright side. Below we are going to give you some tips of how to effectively search for jobs by knowing your strengths related to the marketplace and job and which industries to focus your efforts on.

How to Select a Future Company:
1. Research, Research, Research!
Know everything about the company, its clients, products, services, etc. Know how the top management functions and how the overall company operates.

2. How do you get along with the boss and employees?
Search for information on company culture, entries, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn profiles of employees to determine their work ethic, habits, etc. to get a good feel of the company and employees. Getting a good feeling from these people will determine how you will fit in and how comfortable you will feel working here if employed.

3. Determine if the organization fits YOU!
Research company culture, values, mission, vision, etc. to determine if their work and work ethic is something that interest you and is something you can truly be passionate about.

What to look for in a hiring company:
1. What makes employees join this company and stay?

2. How are people treated?
Benefits, company outings, socials, etc. to establish positive work morale.

3. What are the unspoken rules?

4. What happens when people make mistakes?
What are their problem solving methods?

5. What is a typical week like?
Look for employee videos on the site or daily descriptions about the company to get a feel for daily job tasks. Also, this question can be asked during an interview.

How to find a job:
1. Maintain a personal network
Keep in contact with important contacts, constantly search for opportunities to network

2. Join a career bank
Get your resume out to professionals in the field and get recent job news

3. Do volunteer work
This can be a great filler when you are unemployed. It can also give you self satisfaction and you can meet some great contacts through volunteering at local organizations. Never underestimate the power of a good deed.

4. Re-evaluate your goals and strategy
Know what types of jobs you are looking for and decide if you want to broaden your job search for unseen opportunities. Also constantly evaluate your job search tactics to ensure you are doing everything in your power to advertise your skills and meet the right people.

5. Stay organized and disciplined
Keep your contact information in order, keep records of where you apply, who you talk to, etc.

Top 3 Industries to get into today:
1. Healthcare: 30,000 new jobs

2. Education: 11,000 new jobs

3. Federal government: 16,000 new jobs

Top 10 Jobs in 2010:
1. Accountant and Auditor: 18% increase
2. Database Administrator: 29% increase
3. Electrical Engineering: 6% increase
4. Financial Analyst: 34% increase
5. Management Analyst: 5.4% increase
6. Marketing Manager: 14% increase
7. Mechanical Engineer: 4% increase
8. Network Systems and Data Communications Analyst: 53% increase
9. Personal Finance Advisers: 41% increase
10. Sales Managers: 10% increase

Top 10 Companies Hiring Today:
1. Sears
2. Avon
3. AT&T
4. Quest Diagnostics
5. Family Dollar
6. UPS
7. Olan Mills
8. Kmart
9. Pizza Hut
10. Sun Microsystems

Most Recession-Proof Jobs:
1. Nursing, as baby boomers age
2. Health Care, 597,000 added jobs
3. Occupational Therapists
4. Seasonal Retail work
5. UPS driver during holidays
6. Financial Advisors for Wall Street
7. Sales and Marketing

Go Green Jobs:

8.5 million Americans currently hold "green collar" jobs in renewable energy or energy efficient industries. This number may grow to 40 million by 2030

Top Green Jobs:
1. Wind/Turbine
2. Auto Retrofitters
3. Sustainable Architects
4. Energy Systems Manager
5. Environmental Engineer

Jobs that Do Good AND Earn Well:
1. Fire Chief
2. Nonprofit Executive
3. Continuity Planner
4. Grant Writer
5. Public Defender

After your job search, make sure to maintain job stability!

-Become an integral part of the core business to sustain your value to the company and enhance that value when you can

-Know how you support the core mission of the business to know your true value, defend your job, and understand how you can delve deeper into the company's mission to further continue their success and yours

-Know your value and refine your contacts and portfolio so that you can maintain good networking and let others know of your critical skills in relation to the company.

-Update your skills with accreditations and extra education to enhance your value and knowledge


Even though the job market is tough today, don't let that discourage you! Look for opportunities wherever they may be, know and enhance your skills, and be confident! Practice interviewing, polish up your resume, maintain a good network of people, and devote good chucks of time to job hunting and applying. Good luck!