College brings people to the realization of who they are, what they want to do, and teaches them how to problem solve. It is not about all the technicalities taught in computer sciences classes, cell structures taught in biology, or definitions of every nitty gritty marketing term. It would be impossible and unreasonable to expect a student to remember everything they learned in college. However, the combination of different projects, presentations, problems to solve, and exams all teach students how to THINK.
In high school I was a good student but never strived to be the best. However, college taught me my true potential and I have been working every day to be the best I can be at what I love to do. I love to do marketing and advertising. Marketing Communications/Advertising is my major and I am truly passionate about it.
College also teaches you who your true friends are. You realize that you must surround yourself with those who will have the best influence on you. If you surround yourself with great people, you will be a great person. I have gone through waves of friends both at school and at home and have realized the few, loyal friends that I will hold onto forever. Since students are around each other virtually 24/7, they learn how to get along, how to effectively argue, and how to hold a deep conversation. All of these were not always possible in high school since you don't usually live, eat, and sleep with your friends as you do in college.
I have come out of college as the best person I believe I can possibly be at this time. I have found my true passion for marketing, I have developed great friendships, and met the man of my dreams. I had no idea I was going to find all of this at such as small college. I am ambitious, I love to learn, I am passionate about what I love to do, and I always put in 110%.
I also love to help out others. I have learned that you can get no where in life if you are truly selfish. To give is to get. I love to give to others. Whether it is advice, a couple bucks, a ride somewhere, or a shoulder to cry on, it matters. The people in your life will shape who you are and bring joy to your everyday life. So cherish each and every person in your life. I do.
I hope almost every college student gets out of college what I have. Learn what you love to do, develop and keep those meaningful relationships, and work hard every day!
well written, great overall perspective, but most importantly...true. i too can relate to each aspect touched upon, and believe every student/person should be so lucky to realize their potential, passions and soulmate.Great job my love, congratulations...the world is ours.